Our Services - A Variety Of Security Services

BWE Services

At Black Wolf Eyes (BWE), we take pride in offering an extensive range of security and support services that are designed to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by our clients in today’s ever evolving global landscape. Our commitment to excellence, unwavering dedication to client satisfaction, and relentless pursuit of innovation underpin the services we provide.

Static Security

We provide trained security guards to protect personnel, facilities, assets, and equipment. Our services include 24/7 armed or unarmed guards, entry control, technical security systems, and local intelligence.

Close Protection

We offer close protection teams for country-wide projects or individual tasks. Our PSD teams utilize B6 armored vehicles and highly trained, certified, and experienced armed guards.

Mobile Security - Personal Security Details (PSD)

BWE offers mobile security managed by experienced teams and supported by advanced communication and vehicle tracking. Our fleet includes armored vehicles equipped with radio, GSM, and satellite communications.

Risk Advisory – Risk Assessments

BWE offers skilled individuals to advise on security management and risk mitigation. Our experts can undertake threat & risk assessments, design security plans, and create business continuity and evacuation plans.

Training Specialist – Security Training Services

We offer a range of training courses designed to prepare individuals for harsh and hostile environments. Our specialist training focuses on security and risk mitigation.

K9 Services

BWE provides Explosive Detection Dog Teams (EDDTs) trained to detect explosives. Our EDDTs are trained for various operational tasks, including entry control points, building sweeps, and airport sweeps.

Consultation and Assessment

Security company consultation services are invaluable for organizations seeking to enhance their security measures and protect their assets, employees, and sensitive information.

Event Security

BWE provides event security services, ensuring the safety and security of large gatherings, conferences, and high-profile events.

Intelligence Services

BWE provides real-time risk intelligence services, helping clients make informed decisions based on the latest threat assessments and security information.

CCTV Surveillance Services

Our CCTV surveillance services are a vital component of our integrated security solutions. By leveraging advanced technology, comprehensive monitoring, and expert support, BWE's CCTV services provide an additional layer of security to protect your personnel, assets, and facilities.

Quick Reaction Force

(QRF) is a specialized team within our company dedicated to rapid response and immediate action. Comprising highly trained and experienced personnel, our QRF stands ready to deploy at a moment's notice to address critical situations and emergencies.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Our team will be happy to assist with any business you require in Iraq