Our Services - A Variety Of Security Services

Static Security

We provide trained security guards to protect personnel, facilities, assets, and equipment. Our services include 24/7 armed or unarmed guards, entry control, technical security systems, and local intelligence.

  • Facility Security: BWE provides comprehensive facility security solutions, deploying highly trained security personnel and advanced security systems to safeguard your premises 24/7.


  • Asset Protection: Our static security services extend to protecting valuable assets, including equipment, inventory, and sensitive information, ensuring they remain secure at all times.


  • Personnel Safety: BWE static security teams are trained to handle personnel safety, offering peace of mind to employees and visitors, whether on-site or in transit.

Close Protection

We offer close protection teams for country-wide projects or individual tasks.
Our PSD teams utilize B6 armored vehicles and highly trained, certified, and experienced armed guards.

  • Nationwide Coverage: BWE close protection teams are available for assignments across the
    country, offering a range of protective services tailored to your specific needs.


  • Highly Trained Personnel: Our close protection teams consist of highly trained and certified armed guards, providing an additional layer of security for even the most challenging situations.

Mobile Security

BWE offers mobile security managed by experienced teams and supported by advanced communication and vehicle tracking. Our fleet includes armored vehicles equipped with radio, GSM, and satellite communications.

  • Secure Transportation: BWE mobile security services include secure transportation options, using armored vehicles equipped with cutting-edge communication technology to ensure safe transit in high-risk  environments.


  • VIP Protection: We specialize in providing Personal Security Details (PSD) for high-profile individuals, diplomats, executives, and celebrities, ensuring their safety and confidentiality.

Risk Advisory

BWE offers skilled individuals to advise on security management and risk mitigation.
Our experts can undertake threat & risk assessments, design security plans, and create business continuity and evacuation plans.

  • Threat Assessments: BWE conducts thorough threat assessments to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing us to develop proactive security measures.


  • Security Planning: We design tailored security plans to mitigate identified risks, ensuring the safety and continuity of your operations.

K9 Services

BWE provides Explosive Detection Dog Teams (EDDTs) trained to detect explosives.
Our EDDTs are trained for various operational tasks, including entry control points, building sweeps, and airport sweeps.

  • Explosive Detection Dogs (EDDs): BWE Explosive Detection Dog Teams (EDDTs) are essential for security sweeps, entry control points, and airport security, detecting explosives with precision.
  • Narcotic Detection Dogs (NDDs): BWE’s Narcotic Detection Dog Teams (NDDRs) are specially trained canines used by law enforcement agencies and other organizations to detect the presence of narcotics or illegal drugs. These dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, which makes them invaluable in identifying drugs even in small quantities or concealed locations.
  • Enhanced Security: The use of K9 units adds an extra level of security, making it harder for threats to go undetected.

Training Specialist

We offer a range of training courses designed to prepare individuals for harsh and hostile environments.
Our specialist training focuses on security and risk mitigation.

  • Comprehensive Training: BWE offers a comprehensive range of security training courses, designed to equip individuals and teams with the skills and knowledge needed to operate effectively in harsh and hostile environments.


  • Customized Training: Our training programs can be customized to meet specific client requirements, ensuring that your personnel are well-prepared for their unique security challenges.

Consultation and Assessment

Security company consultation services are invaluable for organizations seeking to enhance their security measures and protect their assets, employees, and sensitive information. These services are typically provided by experienced security professionals and encompass a wide range of offerings tailored to the specific needs of the client. Here are some key components and aspects of security company consultation services:

Black Wolf Eyes Co. (BWE), security company consultation services offer a comprehensive range of offerings, including risk assessment, strategy development, policy creation, training, physical and cybersecurity evaluations, technology integration, crisis management planning, audits, and customized solutions. These services are tailored to BWE unique needs and emphasize regular reviews and updates to adapt to evolving security threats and changing circumstances.

These expanded services demonstrate the comprehensive and specialized security solutions that Black Wolf Eyes offers to clients, encompassing physical security, cybersecurity, risk assessment, surveillance, and intelligence services. Our commitment to excellence and adaptability ensures that we meet the evolving needs of our clients in an ever-changing global landscape.

Event Security

BWE provides event security services, ensuring the safety and security of large gatherings, conferences, and high-profile events.

  • Specialized Event Protection: BWE provides event security services, ensuring the safety and security of large gatherings, conferences, and high-profile events.


  • Crowd Control: Our teams are trained in crowd management and can handle crowd control and emergency response effectively.

Intelligence Services

BWE provides real-time risk intelligence services, helping clients make informed decisions based on the latest threat assessments and security information.

  • Risk Intelligence: BWE provides real-time risk intelligence services, helping clients make informed decisions based on the latest threat assessments and security information.

  • Incident Response: In the event of a security incident, our intelligence services assist in rapid response and crisis management.

CCTV Surveillance

Our CCTV surveillance services are a vital component of our integrated security solutions. By leveraging advanced technology, comprehensive monitoring, and expert support, BWE CCTV services provide an additional layer of security to protect your personnel, assets, and facilities. Whether you require video analytics, remote access, or compliance with industry regulations, we have the expertise to meet your security objectives effectively.

  • Customized CCTV Solutions: BWE specializes in designing and implementing customized CCTV surveillance systems tailored to your specific security needs.
    • 24/7 Monitoring: Our CCTV services include continuous monitoring of your premises, ensuring that potential security threats are detected and addressed promptly.
    • High-Resolution Cameras: We deploy high-resolution cameras that provide clear and detailed video footage, enhancing your ability to identify security incidents and investigate incidents effectively.
    • Remote Access: BWE CCTV systems offer remote access capabilities, allowing you to view live camera feeds and recorded footage from anywhere in the world via secure online platforms.


  • Video Analytics: BWE utilizes cutting-edge video analytics technology to enhance the capabilities of your CCTV surveillance system.
    • Intrusion Detection: Our video analytics can detect unauthorized intrusions, triggering immediate alerts to security personnel.
    • Facial Recognition: We can integrate facial recognition technology to identify and track individuals of interest, further enhancing security.
    • License Plate Recognition: BWE CCTV systems can include license plate recognition.


  • Maintenance and Support:
    • Regular Maintenance: BWE provides routine maintenance services to ensure the optimal performance of your CCTV surveillance system.
    • Technical Support: Our dedicated technical support team is available around the clock to address any issues or concerns you may have with your CCTV system.

Quick Reaction Force

We offer a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) service at BWE, a dedicated team within our company dedicated to rapid response and immediate action

Our Quick Reaction Force (QRF) is a specialized team within our company dedicated to rapid response and immediate action. Comprising highly trained and experienced personnel, our QRF stands ready to deploy at a moment’s notice to address critical situations and emergencies. Whether it’s safeguarding assets, protecting personnel, or responding to unforeseen challenges, our QRF is always prepared to mobilize and deliver proactive security measures, contributing to the overall resilience and success of our clients’ operations

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Our team will be happy to assist with any business you require in Iraq